Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

first christmas, i gave you my heart


christmas day - eric and i took christian to the golden arches (sounds pathetic, i know) but the typically "rowdy" restaurant was unusually quiet and peaceful. fits the spirit of the day - understated and calm.
in case you were wondering...(1) christian's onesie says "I rule the kingdom" and (2) he was totally flirting with the cleaner.


Grandma said...

He looks like he's having fun!Maybe he's flirting because he's drinking something more then apple juice..(HAHAHA)I miss him so so so much!

Inspira said...

I tell you, Christian's a flirt. hehehe. I miss the part when Christian kissed Nadine at the party....picture perfect and totally impromptu. :-)

sky said...

He's a flirt alright! Was Nadine traumatized?

Mom - you'll see him soon :) when you come visit, he'll be a year old.