Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, April 11, 2011

35 weeks and 2 days visit

a belated post. we went to the doc and yay(!) baby is in the right position with her face looking at my right (left occiput transverse) . this is WAY better than the lateral position, which got me concerned because it was quite late in the pregnancy for her to be doing acrobatics to get the position right. as a desperate measure, i'd been trying out the breech tilt twice a day to hopefully tilt her in the right position.

i'm now obsessed with the weight gain because of the gestational diabetes and my worry that she'll get too big. my goal has been to keep the pregnancy weight to as close as my weight when i had christian. but well, each child is different... i just want to avoid fetal macrosomia. as of the last visit, she measured 2.8 kg (how how how???) and i weighed in at 60 kg. a lot of my weight gain has to do with fluid retention because i've been seeing it yo-yo-ing for a while. the doc realized that my ankles were swollen and my legs were extremely shiny (another sign of fluid retention). swimming helps with the retention but i could feel my pelvis was getting unstable and wanted to stay on the safe side.

rocker chick is still very active and we got to see more spiky hair - so impossibly cute.

she's ready to pop out of her oven anytime soon, since we've officially reached 37 weeks 2 days ago. she's been hiccupping a lot these days and practice contractions have slowed down. i panicked yesterday because the feeling that she's coming anytime now overwhelmed the heck of me all of her sudden. uh-oh, please don't come so soon, i have 1 presentation and 1 consulting job coming up on wed, and that consulting gig is easy $ that i don't wish to forego.

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