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 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, July 21, 2011

blurry days

Dancing flower 001
Dancing flower 002

my mom's long-time friend Auntie Ashia came to visit us today. I had known Auntie Ashia since I was a little girl. She was in Tasmania when Alex was born and she had not met little Alex. She brought a little dancing sunflower for Christian which Christian immediately takes to (anything that dances is a good gift for the little tod). Christian seems to have outgrown taking pictures, he refuses to stand still for a picture and tries to sabotage every single shot... that's terrible two's for you - he refuses to do anything you tell him because he darn well can.

p.s. have you noticed christian's new hair cut? i had to take a chill pill when i picked him up at my mom's and instead of my son, a toilet brush greeted me at the door...what happened to parent's consent when it comes to shaving your son's head????!!!!


Inspira said...

Nad's the opposite! She stops and poses (body language, smile and all!). Sometimes, I wonder who taught her these things.....

sky said...

what a girly girl!