Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

hey you

hey you guys,

this has been a crappy 2 weeks. we were all sick. then we got better. then we got sick again. but you two, despite suffering from the common malady, you were playing amicably together. cute. christian, you are an angel sometimes. you learned to share and for the things that you are reluctant to, you learnt what are perfect substitutes (a little trial and error, but you got the hang of it). you are on your way to being a great economist. you got alex's revealed preference pat down. i didn't ask your papa's opinion on this, but i'm pretty sure he's proud of you. and miss alexandra, what's this "get", "go get", "gagaga" and this crawling everywhere, playing hide and seek - sometimes i don't even know where you are. we are going on a trip with one of our favorite families again. yeah, please try to behave okay... the
last time, you really spooked them. and i mean "you" in the plural sense. yeah, you.

you tug at my heart strings.


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