Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, March 2, 2009


we decided to venture out of our comfort zone and head for the boonies - the 'burbs, the long island of singapore - and the huge ikea that greeted us reminded us of the ones in illinois and in long island - much to our delight.

and the goal of our pursuit - a dresser for the baby that's only available here and nowhere else. its fate, according to various sales staff is invariably uncertain or close to that of polaroid.

and the funny thing about being married is that sometimes you are amazed by how you think about the same things at about the same time. we decided to have lunch in ikea, and while seated at a table waiting for Eric to get my food, i was feeling bad that i had not cooked pasta for the longest time - i had bad heartburn in the first trimester and tomato sauce was really the last thing on my mind, then sometime in the third trimester, i was diagnosed with gestational diabetes and pasta wasn't at the top of the dietitian's list.

Eric came back with the food. He ordered himself a cute little serving of pasta and swedish meatballs. I was slowly wrecked with guilt, by slowly i mean the guilt sort of increased over the hours after our lunch - and i'm still feeling it. My poor husband - sometimes, I can't imagine the toll this pregnancy has taken on him. Comfort food. My husband ought to be pampered, afterall, it's been a long haul for the daddy-to-be too.


eric said...

Let's move to Tampines. 8^p

Inspira said...

Heee...yes yes! We could visit you in like 15 minutes! heheheeeee. How was the pasta and meatballs. I miss the kids' meal - chicken nuggets... (they were real chicken!)

eric said...

Yeah, try to convince Sky what a great idea it is!

Pasta and meatballs were pretty good. Sky made some last week. Of course, they tasted better. 8^)

Unknown said...

Ah, but Inspira is considering moving to Bukit Merah - that will be 15 mins from where we are right now ;)