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 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, December 10, 2010

diminishing marginal utility of packing

citrus green

fav candle

cobb salad

for the 4th consecutive night, eric and i have been "pupping". it was take-out night of sushi no less but man, the marginal utility of packing is wearing off... we are now more impatient with our junk, snippy at each other, and tire more easily... still, we got a lot done... stuff that should have been done when we moved in but we hadn't had the time nor the peace. cinnamon's been enjoying the christian-free days it seems, she gets the attention of the first-born all over again. she gets to nap without anyone shoving a wooden truck in her nose, without anyone trying to give her a "hug hug" that nearly strangles her every single time.

these pictures were taken in early May... when i decided to embark on some serious cooking research and made a delightful cobb salad. this lofty ambition was then disrupted with the trip to Europe and then the first trimester... i'm cooking again :) and just bought myself a le creuset cast iron casserole, the goal is to conquer julia's bœuf bourguignon. the pot's a happy lime-green, looks pretty but ummm, not quite my color (i like the traditional flame-colored ones), still it was the color on sale (and that will make it my color of choice)... although, now that i'm looking at these pictures, citrusy green seems quite sublime...


mini said...

the cobb salad looks delish! on the bright side, perhaps you'll get to cook more when the maid is around?

we recently got a le creuset for beef bourguignon too. In royal blue ...because it was on sale hah :D

~e~ said...

the le creuset is a gem! i swear everything tastes better cooked in it :)

sky said...

le creuset's the best :) hmmm mini, royal blue looks divine too, now i have wanderlust, i want a rainbow